AE Wave 1

Get the lowdown on all the information you need to know for your wave’s trip, April 24 - 27.

April 24-27

Flight ONE:

Flight to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) (April 24):

ARRIVAL: 11:15 A.M.

Return flight to Topeka (FOE) (April 27):

ARRIVAL: 2:15 P.M.

Appropriate meals will be provided on the flights, including alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages on the flight to FLL. Alcoholic beverages will NOT be available on the flight back to Topeka.

All flight times are subject to change.


All departure flights from FLL to Topeka will depart the hotel at 9:00 A.M. Please be checked out of your hotel room and at the departure location by 8:30 A.M. to start loading busses.

What if I have an issue?

If you have an emergency prior to your wave trip, please email If you have an emergency onsite during your wave, please contact your AE Wave Lead.

Wave 1: Stephanie Leftwich, 785-231-4820
Wave 2: MacKenzie Calvillo, 785-231-4820
Wave 3: Sarah Lundry, 785-231-4820
Wave 4: Alyssa Miller, 785-231-4820

Ignite Excitement

at AE’s Havana Heatwave Party

1-4 p.m. Friday, April 25, WET Deck and Courtyard (5th floor)

We couldn’t go to South Florida without diving into the local culture! Join us for some Cuban-inspired food, drinks, activations, and fun as you soak in the sun at the WET Deck, or just come and mingle at the Courtyard. There is something for everyone, so join us as AE’s Havana Heatwave takes over!